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A Guide to Reducing 3D Scan File Size In Artec Studio
This guide summarizes some key steps to optimizing 3D scan project files for storage. Following these guidelines can help you to minimize file size effectively and save space on your system drives.
Artec3D Releases Artec Studio 19
We are very excited to announce the release of Artec Studio 19. With amazing new features like AI Photogrammetry, and new algorithms and improvements for 3D scan editing and analysis, Artec Studio 19 is more intuitive and advanced than ever.
The SIMSCAN-E is an intelligent, wireless, palm-sized 3D scanner offering advanced edge computing and wireless data transfer. It features a robust algorithm, high-definition industrial cameras, and captures 3D data at 6.3 million measurements per second.
3D Scanning Enhances Inspection and Product Development in the Aviation Industry
3D Scanning Enhances Inspection and Product Development in the Aviation Industry
The Power to Maximize Plant Turnaround in YOUR Hands - Part 3
3 Ways to Utilize Lidar Scanning During Your Turnaround
The Power to Maximize Plant Turnaround in YOUR Hands - Part 2
3 Ways to Utilize Lidar Scanning During Your Turnaround
The Power to Maximize Plant Turnaround in YOUR Hands - Part 1
4 Unique Ways Handheld 3D Scan Equipment is Streamlining Processes, Decreasing Costs & Increasing Productivity During Plant Shutdown Operations. Part 1 - 3 part series.
Smart Fusion: Artec 3D Ray II + Artec Leo - VIDEO!
Combine technology for applications such as reverse engineering or as built documentation. Artec 3D Ray II tripod scanner, with the fully wireless Artec 3D Leo handheld scanner.
Artec Leo 3D scanner for Leak Repair - VIDEO!
The Leo by Artec 3D is the only wireless and fully standalone professional 3D scanner designed to make scanning as easy and as effortless as possible.
Transforming Reality: The role of 3D Scanners in LED Stagecraft technology
At the heart of this revolutionary filmmaking technique lies the integration of 3D scanners.
2023: Milestone year for My Engineering!
Here's to the next chapter of growth, success, and continued collaboration!
Near or FAR. BIG or small. Trackscan-Sharp is a one-stop solution.
What do you get when you put a 25 megapixel industrial camera into a handheld scanner and combine it with an dynamic optical tracking system, and then throw in a portable CMM probe?
Benefits of 3D Scan Data
From healthcare to industrial settings to manufacturing and even forensics, there are many different areas 3D scan data is adding value to industry processes.
Space Spider’s Light Speed Power Has Kids Smiling!
This non-invasive technology allows children as young as 4 years old to the opportunity to qualify for the outpatient procedure rather than being forced to wait until up to 10 years old