We engineer fittings that seal leaks!
Proudly serving -> Industrial Service Companies, Oil and Gas Facilities, Power Generation Facilities, Nuclear Plants
If you have:
Thinning pipe
Cracked piping
Corroded piping
Leaking valves
Leaking flanges
Exchanger gasket leaks
Elbow leaks
Weld porosity issues
API tank corrosion
or another pressure equipment issue
We have a solution!
We design…
Custom designs
Leak Repair Fitting Catalogs
Flange Restraints
Designs from 3D scan data
All designs by My Engineering are ASME compliant
We have:
Completed hundreds of designs from 3D scan data
Trained dozens of technicians in 3D scanning
Saved refineries/power generating facilities millions of dollars with our repairs
Developed 3D scanning programs for leak repair companies
Developed quality programs, process maps, procedures, policies, and checklists for using 3D scanners for leak repair
The leak repair process should be simple, safe, and fast
Involving My Engineering keeps it that way
What separates My Engineering from the competition is that we are involved in all steps of the leak repair process. We actively work with our customers and vendors to achieve the final goal of safely, quickly, and effectively repairing defects in piping.
Our clients involve us at the conceptualization phase so we can brainstorm potential solutions, identify safety risks such as the need for strongbacks (piping restraints | flange restraints | ect), and assess the root cause of the issue and how it that will affect the enclosure design.
A few other things we do to ensure the leak repair project is successful is:
We send early conceptual design concepts to our clients to gather feedback and perspective to ensure that no time is wasted in pursuing a solution that will not work for an unforeseen reason.
We also assist in selecting the appropriate sealing mechanism, and sealing materials to ensure that the chance of success is maximized.
We work closely with manufacturing to ensure the design can be manufactured in the quickest amount of time, using available materials, and for the lowest cost.
Interested in learning more?
Did you know?
Did you know there are many names for leak repair enclosures? Some common examples are below
Leak repair enclosure
Engineered leak containment device (ELCD)
Engineered pressure enclosure (EPE)
Leak repair fitting
See what our clients have to say…
What else do you offer?
Along with custom leak repair enclosure design, we offer:
Sealant injector design / injection valve design
Sealant injection gun design
Injection ring design
Cap nut design
High pressure packing gland design
Injector extension design
Angle nut design
Curious about our work product? Here is a sample design… (Click to expand)
Get the best… everytime!
All designs from My Engineering include:
Machining notes
Stamping notes
Enclosure weight
Void volume
Sealant volume
Injection pressure
Customer / end user specific requirements
Want to learn more?
Before you go, you may be interested to know that…
We are world leaders in designing online repairs from 3D scan data.