My Engineering is Powered by Green Energy!

Your designs are produced with renewable energy!

We work our computers extremely hard to get your designs complete.

As they scream away, tons of energy is lost through heat, light, and sound.

And then to remove the heat so we don’t faint, the air conditioner runs full tilt to keep everyone and everything cooled back down.

And then, to keep the engineers working at full efficiency, the coffee pot battles the air conditioning non-stop to keep the coffee nice and hot.

Essentially, in an engineering firm there is a continual war between keeping the right things hot, and the right things cold, all which takes energy.

We are Powered by 100% Green Renewable Energy

We just made the decision to be 100% powered through green energy sources.

Don’t worry Alberta, we still support the oil and gas industry (our heat still comes from Natural Gas).

We are just doing our part to promote sustainable and balanced energy solutions.

If you have any questions about our choice, please contact us!


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3D Scanning Dinosaurs!